A reminder of the construction on Comox Ave beginning Monday March 10, 2025 for the Sewage Conveyance Project. Traffic will be one way moving West from Comox to Courtenay. The official detour route is Ryan Rd- Lerwick Rd- Guthrie Rd- Anderton Rd coming to Comox from Courtenay. Please allow yourself extra time to arrive. We appreciate you choosing Little Valley.

We offer direct billing to Pacific Blue Cross, Medavie Blue Cross, Telus Health eClaims , GreenShield and Sunlife Financial

Direct billing dependent on Practitioner, please read bio’s for further information.

Accepted Payments: credit card, e-transfer or cash

Please note that there is a staircase to access the clinic. If using the parking lot located behind the clinic off of Beaufort, please park in the 15 min spaces. You will not get towed, these spaces are for visitors of 1797 Comox Ave.


Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system. This, in turn, releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These biochemical changes may stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being.

Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on a system of syndrome differentiation. This means that every person is treated as a unique individual with a personalized treatment plan. Based on an individual’s specific needs and treatment goals, Abbey will select one or more of the following modalities to offer a comprehensive treatment: acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, gua sha, dietary recommen... Read More

Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on a system of syndrome differentiation. This means that every person is treated as a unique individual with a personalized treatment plan. Based on an individual’s specific needs and treatment goals, Abbey will select one or more of the following modalities to offer a comprehensive treatment: acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, gua sha, dietary recommendations, lifestyle amendments and more.


As a chiropactic physician, Dr. Michelle Hebert DC is a primary care physician who performs examinations, analyzes the results of tests, diagnoses and treats patients for diseases and disorders of the spine, nervous system, joints of the body and the associated tissues. She also advises patients about methods of preventative healthcare (such as exercise and nutrition) for the aformentioned cond... Read More

As a chiropactic physician, Dr. Michelle Hebert DC is a primary care physician who performs examinations, analyzes the results of tests, diagnoses and treats patients for diseases and disorders of the spine, nervous system, joints of the body and the associated tissues. She also advises patients about methods of preventative healthcare (such as exercise and nutrition) for the aformentioned conditions and also for general health. Dr. Michelle uses non-invasive, gentle techniques that do not involve high force twisting or "cracking" of the neck or spine. These non-invasive techniques are very effective for treating pain and biomechanical dysfunction because they work on balancing the nervous system, relaxing the muscles, and gently aligning the body using body weight or instruments. Based on your exam findings, Dr. Michelle will recommend one or more of the following treatments:

* Applied Kinesiology for TMJ, Cranialsacral and manual therapy: A clinical method of testing muscles to determine and treat the precise issue and areas of imbalance in the spine and nervous system

* Sacro Occipital Technique: A comfortable technique that uses air filled blocks under the hips to provide gentle unwinding of torsion and tension through the spine and entire body

* Activator or arthrostim instrument adjusting: a very precise spine and joint treatment that does not require the twisting of the patients body or high force pressure with the hands

* Supportive nutrition specific for your condition or for prevention

* Orthotics and/or orthotic shoes

* Percussor myofasical treatment: Use of a hand-held mechanical adjustment/therapy device that applies a unique “Galvanic Wave” into the muscles and fascia

* Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM): A safe, painless, low amplitude electrical current set to specific frequencies that encourage natural healing of the body, a softening of tight spasming muscles and reduction of pain.

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) uses a safe, low amplitude electrical current specifically set to the frequency of the tissues and issues of concern. Depending on the tissue involved, specific frequencies will be applied to the tissues to encourage natural healing of the body and to reduce pain. One of the ways FSM works is by increasing the amount of ATP production within the cells. ATP is a major source of energy that fuels cellular healing and repair. FSM treatments can temporarily boost ATP by as much as 500%, helping to speed up healing and recovery.

FSM is a very safe treatment that has been researched and used clinically for over 25 years. Unlike TENS, there is no tensing or spasming of the muscles in the area of treatment. Instead, there is typically a deep relaxation/ loosening effect of muscles and a noticeable reduction in pain. Also, FSM has a broad therapeutic potential for a wide variety of musculoskeletal, nerve, and joint conditions and is best used for encouraging healing and improving pain.

Gentle Chiropractic Alignment and Adjustments:
Dr. Michelle Hebert uses several gentle, yet effective methods to treat the spine, joints and extremities. The techniques she uses involve no high force twisting or "bone cracking", yet are very effective because they work on balancing the nervous system, relaxing the muscles, and gently aligning the body using body weight or instruments. During the course of the treatment, she may use:

Sub Occipital Technique (SOT) with pelvic blocks. The comfortable air-filled blocks are placed under the pelvis with the patient lying face up or face down. Gravity along with the patient's breathing and the direction of the blocks brings the pelvis back into proper position. This results in tense muscles relaxing and the pelvis aligning properly. SOT is therefore very effective in treating low back pain, sciatica, and sacroiliac programs. Because the pelvis is the foundation of the spine and cranium, this technique can also help other areas such as the neck and shoulders, headaches, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems (TMD), as well as knee, ankle, and foot issues.

Even though they are very gentle, the blocks can have profound effects, in part due to their effect in balancing cerebrospinal fluid flow which is essential to a healthy and well-functioning brain and spinal cord.

Orthotics and Orthotic Shoes

Feet are the foundation of the body and affect the alignment of the body as well as the mechanical aspects of joints and muscles.The proper movement and functioning of the feet is crucial to whole body health. To help patients with specific spine, shoulders, hip, knee and foot issues, Dr. Hebert DC both prescribes and dispenses Foot Levelers high quality custom orthotics and orthotic shoes. Foot Levelers has been making orthotics for over 70 years and due to the precision and quality of their products, there is overall a less than 1% return rate on their custom made orthotics.

Orthotics can help with a wide range of conditions including low back pain, hip pain, knee pain, sciatica, achilles tendonitis, and foot pain such as plantar fasciitis. Read more at
https://www.footlevelers.com/how-we-can-help Due to the importance of the feet in overall body health and musculoskeletal function, Dr. Hebert DC includes a cutting edge laser technology foot scan with each exam and an instant report on the postural imbalances and asymmetries associated with the individual's scan.

Percussor Myofascial Treatments

Erchonia Percussor device is a hand-held mechanical adjustment/therapy device that applies a unique “Galvanic Wave” action into the musicals and fascia receiving the percussion. This therapy provides enhanced comfort to the patient and allows for a very effective adjunct to manual cranial sacral therapy, myofasical therapy and instrument adjusting.
Cranialsacral and TMJ Therapy

Dr. Michelle Hebert uses Applied Kinesiology techniques for TMJ and CranialSacral therapies. These techniques utilize the response of the muscles to determine the specific musculoskeletal tissues to be treated. Treatment is based on instrument adjusting, myofasical treatment, SOT or therapies that release fasical tension.


**Please note that sessions with Michelle for hypnotherapy are not being performed under her Doctor of Chiropractic license but rather are being performed under her hypnotherapy certification. For this reason, hypnotherapy session costs are not reimbursable through insurance. In hypnotherapy sessions, the client is guided into a state of deep relaxation and awareness, which can facilitate th... Read More

**Please note that sessions with Michelle for hypnotherapy are not being performed under her Doctor of Chiropractic license but rather are being performed under her hypnotherapy certification. For this reason, hypnotherapy session costs are not reimbursable through insurance.

In hypnotherapy sessions, the client is guided into a state of deep relaxation and awareness, which can facilitate the mind being receptive to new ideas. During this state, feelings, thoughts, and imagery (the language of the subconscious) are used to support the changes the client wants to make; unserving patterns of the mind can be cleared or altered and new, healthier, and more beneficial perspectives can be introduced. The process of hypnotherapy also introduces the client to deep, often hidden, resources within and allows for the client to connect with these resources and find the answers and peacefulness they are looking for.

Hypnotherapy can help to support the treatment of a wide variety of physical and mental/emotional health concerns including anxiety, panic attacks, stress, insomnia, low self-esteem, low motivation, unserving "bad" habits, and physical pain. There is also now substantial research evidence that suggests hypnotherapy is especially helpful for people with gastrointestinal disorders such as IBS, cancer pain and psychological impairment, chronic pain, PTSD, birthing pain, dental procedure anxiety, headaches, and anxiety from chronic health conditions.

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy manipulates the soft tissues of the body (muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, connective tissue, skin) to rehabilitate, rejuvenate and heal the body

Direct billing Pacific Blue Cross, Telus eClaims (includes Canada Life, Manulife, People Corporation and many more), Medavie Blue Cross and Sun Life.

Abbey Malecki is a Registered Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner. She is passionate about optimizing health, creating herbal medicine and enjoying time in the garden.

Abbey is an exceptional practitioner. She strives to make her clients feel respected and heard. Her practice is all about empowering and educating individuals to become active partners in their health.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on a system of syndrome differentiation. This means that every person is treated as a unique individual with a personalized treatment plan. Based on an individual’s specific needs and treatment goals, Abbey will select one or more of the following modalities to offer a comprehensive treatment: acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, gua sha, dietary recommendations, lifestyle amendments and more!

Direct billing Pacific Blue Cross, Telus eClaims (includes Canada Life, Manulife, People Corporat... Read More

Julia is not currently accepting new patients. If you haven’t had a treatment with Julia before, please book with another Therapist.

#Direct billing Pacific Blue Cross, Medavie Blue Cross, Telus e-claims, Green Shield, Empire Life and Sun Life

Julia is a dedicated Registered Massage Therapist who gained a solid foundation after having graduated from the reputable Sutherland Chan School & Teaching Clinic in 2014. Currently, she is a proud member of the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia (CMTBC). With a rich background in diverse settings such as clinics, spas, and fitness centres, Julia has honed a distinctive treatment style that seamlessly integrates both relaxation and therapeutic techniques.

Having practiced as an RMT in Ontario, Alberta, Australia, and now in British Columbia, Julia is deeply committed to her professional development. She actively pursues continuing education courses, demonstrating her passion for acquiring new skills and exploring various modalities in the field of Massage Therapy.

Julia’s choice of Massage Therapy as a career is deeply rooted in her nurturing and empathic nature, cultivated within her large family of five sisters. Her focus on human movement patterns, coupled with genuine patient care, empowers individuals to regain pain-free control over their lives.

Julia possesses confidence in addressing a range of conditions, including repetitive strain, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, low back, neck, and shoulder pain, as well as headaches, ensuring comfort and ease in her treatment approach.

Drawing upon her intuitive skills and extensive training, Julia employs a variety of techniques tailored to meet the unique needs of her patients. Whether individuals are grappling with chronic or sports-related pain or simply seeking relaxation, Julia is adept at providing the appropriate therapeutic support.

Julia’s extensive training encompasses modalities such as hot stone therapy, cranial levels 1 & 2, intraoral massage for TMJ and whiplash, facilitated stretching, myofascial stretching, prenatal massage, lymph drainage, muscle energy technique, Indian head massage, joint mobilization, instrument-assisted soft tissue manipulation, and relaxation massage.

Grateful to reside and practice in the picturesque Comox Valley with her husband and daughter, Julia embraces a holistic approach to life. In her leisure time, she enjoys reading, outdoor activities, pottery, travel, indulging in Netflix, and savouring moments with a cup of coffee. Julia brings her wealth of experience to individuals of all ages and backgrounds, anticipating the opportunity to craft personalized massage or treatment plans for residents of the Valley.

Julia is not currently accepting new patients. If you haven’t had a treatment with Julia before, ... Read More

Direct billing Pacific Blue Cross, Telus e-Claims, Greenshield and Sun Life Financial

Melanie loves being a massage therapist. She tailors each treatment to the needs and preferences of each client. Having clients say, “Wow! That was just what I needed,” is the goal of each massage session.

Since becoming an RMT in Ontario in 2007, Melanie has been able to hone her skills in Indian Head Massage, Pre and Post Natal Massage, Hot Stones, Joint Play, Ergonomic Assessment, Lymphatic Drainage, Sinus Drainage, Headache Relief, Anxiety Reduction, TMJ Treatment, Infant Massage and, of course, Traditional Swedish Massage.

Melanie moved back to BC after living in Ontario, England, Nova Scotia and Costa Rica. Comox will be her forever home as the stunning beauty of Vancouver Island and the many opportunities for outdoor adventure are affording her the lifestyle she longed for after living in Toronto for far too long.

Two cats, two kids and a husband share Melanie’s life and love. Traveling, paddleboarding, spending time in nature, playing board games and soaking up the sun are some of Melanie’s favourite things to do.

Direct billing Pacific Blue Cross, Telus e-Claims, Greenshield and Sun Life Financial Melanie lov... Read More

Direct billing Pacific Blue Cross, Medavie Blue Cross, Telus e-Claims, Empire Life Sunlife, and Greenshield

Hayley was born and raised in Kamloops and grew up playing many sports, primarily soccer. After dealing with several injuries she discovered the benefits of massage therapy and chose to pursue it as a career. She graduated from the West Coast College of Massage Therapy in Victoria in 2021 and is excited to move her practice to the beautiful Comox Valley!

Most of Hayley’s treatments have a relaxation component to help decrease stress and anxiety to help support a healthy nervous system. Different therapeutic techniques such as myofascial release, trigger point release, joint mobilizations and hydrotherapy are incorporated throughout the treatment based on the client’s needs and goals. Between treatment and patient education, Hayley aims to help you get back to doing what you love!

Outside of work, you can find Hayley at the gym, biking, baking, reading or travelling.

Direct billing Pacific Blue Cross, Medavie Blue Cross, Telus e-Claims, Empire Life Sunlife, and G... Read More

Dr Michelle Hebert currently has a waitlist for new patients, please email her at DrMichelleComoxValley@gmail.com to join

Direct Billing ICBC, Pacific Blue Cross, Medavie Blue Cross, Greenshield, Sun Life, Telus eClaims (including Canada Life, RWAM, Manulife, Industrial Alliance, Desjardins and more)

Dr. Michelle Hebert DC, MPH, CHt, E-RYT has been in the field of holistic healthcare and wellness for over 23 years and has helped thousands of people to feel better and live healthier lives. She is professionally licensed as a chiropractor and also holds certifications in applied kinesiology, hypnotherapy, yoga, pilates and sound healing. This combination of education and experience allows her to draw from a comprehensive toolbox of therapies and is especially helpful for individuals who desire a more holistic approach to managing their health.

As a chiropractor at Little Valley Massage and Health, Dr. Hebert offers several services that are typically covered by ancillary insurance including gentle and effective chiropractic adjustments using instruments and light contact (no high force twisting or back cracking), cranial sacral therapy, orthotic assessment and fittings, applied kinesiology (muscle testing), TMJ therapy, and treatments for addressing injuries and chronic pain including myofascial treatments, frequency specific microcurrent, and pulsed light therapy,

Early on in her practice, Dr. Hebert realized the need for patients to learn how use their minds to improve their health and she became certified in various mind-body medicine techniques. At Little Valley, she offers hypnotherapy and subconscious re-patterning sessions which can be used to support the healing process for a variety of mental and physical health concerns. These sessions are booked separately from chiropractic visits and are performed under her hypnotherapy and yoga certifications.

Dr. Hebert has been supported in her own personal journey of healing by her many travels to sacred pilgrimage sites around the world, including the great cathedrals and pilgrimage sites of Europe, the sacred mountains of the Tibetan Himalayas, and the ancient sites of India and South America. She shares the wisdom gained from her own journey to help facilitate healing for others and looks forward to being present with each person as they journey towards greater health and wellbeing.

Dr Michelle Hebert currently has a waitlist for new patients, please email her at DrMichelleComox... Read More

Direct billing Pacific Blue Cross, Medavie Blue Cross, Telus e-Claims, Coughlin, Greenshield, Empire Life and Sunlife

Lindsey graduated from Vancouver College of Massage Therapy and is registered through the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia. During her studies, she became dedicated to the fundamentals of holistic wellness that massage stems from.

With four years of clinical hands-on experience, Lindsey has gained a great sense of how the body moves and where all the muscles and other structures align. Everyone’s body is different and Lindsey strives to make the best individual massage treatment with your goals. Her current techniques include Swedish relaxation, myofascial release, neuromuscular deep tissue, joint mobilizations, IASTM, stretching, and hydrotherapy. She enjoys educating clients on the anatomy and physiology of the body and why certain aspects of our lives contribute to the gains and losses of mobility.

Direct billing Pacific Blue Cross, Medavie Blue Cross, Telus e-Claims, Coughlin, Greenshield, Emp... Read More

Direct billing Pacific Blue Cross and Telus eClaims

(she/her/hers) Nicole’s love for Vancouver Island led her to Victoria where she studied and graduated from West Coast College of Massage Therapy. In addition to her studies in massage therapy, Nicole previously completed her undergraduate degree in Health Sciences, Athletic Therapy and went on to complete a post-graduate degree in Mental Health and Disability Management. Nicole has also completed her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training. Nicole’s previous education and work experience has allowed her the opportunity to work with a variety of body conditions, at various stages of injury and healing times, both in a clinical and on-field setting. Nicole seeks to understand the underlying cause of each condition presented in the treatment room, while prioritizing the needs and goals of the individual at hand. Nicole’s involvement in various sports have ultimately led to her interest in biomechanics, functional movement, performance and athletics. Nicole has had to take an active role in her own injury prevention and rehabiliation care through the years and uses her combined knowledge, experience, and skills to not only treat effectively but to inspire her clients to also take part in their own health and well-being. Whether you are a youth athlete, a competitive athlete, a weekend warrior, or using massage to find a moment of rest and relaxation, Nicole will utilize the most appropriate modalities during treatment, including but not limited to; active and passive stretching, trigger point release, sport massage, myofascial release, general swedish massage and relaxation techniques. Nicole also uses techniques to support post-concussion symptoms, TMJ pain and dysfunction, and facial massage. Nicole has found that practicing as a Registered Massage Therapist allows for her to utilize all of her educational background while encouraging a mind-body connection to create an empowering environment for each individual’s healing capabilities, leading to a well-balanced life. When Nicole is not in the treatment room, she can be found out on the trails, in the mountains, looking for a friendly wave to catch, on her yoga mat, or reading a good book.

Direct billing Pacific Blue Cross and Telus eClaims (she/her/hers) Nicole’s love for Vancouver Is... Read More

Offers direct billing to Pacific Blue Cross, Medavie Blue Cross, Telus Health e-Claims, and Greenshield

Philipp is a graduate of the West Coast College of Massage Therapy, completing his studies in 2018 following a notable career and educational transition from Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine. Embracing a holistic approach, Philipp seamlessly integrates the wealth of knowledge acquired from his diverse life experiences.

With a professional journey that includes both clinical practice and the successful establishment of his own home-based business, Philipp brings a wealth of expertise to his role. Relocating to the valley with his family in the summer of 2021, he has seamlessly integrated into the community.

As an accomplished ultra-marathon runner, Philipp’s keen interest in sports-related injuries and physical challenges is evident in his practice. Employing a comprehensive array of techniques such as deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, fascial release, and relaxation massage, he tailors each session to the unique needs of his patients. Recognizing the individuality of each patient, Philipp is dedicated to providing personalized treatment and education.

Outside of his professional pursuits, Philipp is an avid enthusiast of outdoor activities. Whether snowshoeing on Mt. Washington, paddle boarding on Comox Lake, boating by the Comox Marina, or dragging his lazy (but oh so adorable) pup on a walk along the Puntledge River, he embraces the myriad opportunities that the great outdoors of Comox Valley has to offer. With a passion for holistic wellness and a warm, personable demeanor, Philipp is committed to ensuring a welcoming and therapeutic experience for all his patients.

Offers direct billing to Pacific Blue Cross, Medavie Blue Cross, Telus Health e-Claims, and Green... Read More

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Located at: 1797 Comox Ave, 302, Comox
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